WisTAF’s oldest grant program funds a range of civil legal aid services to clients with limited incomes, helping them resolve major problems in their lives.
In 2023, we awarded more than $1.6 million in Direct Legal Services (DLS) grants. Additionally, responding to current, large amounts of unmet civil legal needs in Wisconsin combined with WisTAF’s temporarily increased trust account revenue stemming from elevated interest rates, we distributed $2 million in one-time Legal Aid Advancement grants as a way to strengthen the work of Direct Legal Services grant recipients.
Grants to 17 organizations across Wisconsin provided a range of legal assistance — from information and advice to full representation — to approximately 8,000 clients in 2023.
Direct legal services (and Legal Aid Advancement) grants are funded by these sources, as available:
You can learn how these fund sources work on our Fund oversight page.
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Madison, WI 53703
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