Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse Civil Legal Services

Since 2015, the Wisconsin Legislature and Governor have approved a modest annual appropriation for civil legal services to some individuals who are victims of domestic violence or sexual abuse (DVSA).

The funding for this program comes from the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding that Wisconsin receives, so services are limited to clients with children who meet the financial eligibility rules for TANF services.

The funding is passed through the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families for a WisTAF-administered grant program providing legal services statewide in civil matters related to domestic abuse, sexual abuse, or restraining orders or injunctions for individuals at risk under Wis. Stat. 813.123.

This program was created by Wis. Stat. 49.1635(5)(a).

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811 East Washington Ave., Suite 400
Madison, WI 53703
608.257.6845 or 877.749.5045 (toll-free)

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