Grantee records access policy

  1. WisTAF is not subject to open meeting and public records law; however, except as provided below, requests for access to or copies of Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation (“WisTAF”) records will be construed and processed consistent with the Wisconsin Public Records Law.
  2. A grant application will be confidential upon submission to WisTAF until the Grants Committee announces its preliminary grant award recommendations for the grant cycle in which the application was submitted.
  3. The Executive Director is WisTAF’s record custodian. The Executive Director may consult with the President of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee regarding records request issues.
  4. Actual, necessary and direct costs of providing record access or copies will be charged to persons requesting WisTAF records. The Executive Director, in his or her discretion, may waive the charges for responding to a specific records request.
Approved September 29, 2005; revised September 26, 2008

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811 East Washington Ave., Suite 400
Madison, WI 53703
608.257.6845 or 877.749.5045 (toll-free)

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